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SA Safety & Security Update - 1.4.24

SA Safety & Security Update - 1.4.24

Dear Saint Andrew’s Families,

Happy New Year! Providing a high level of campus safety and security is our top priority. We continually evaluate and review our safety protocols to ensure that we are aligned with best practices. We will be adding quarterly safety content, including updates, reminders, and tips, into divisional newsletters.  

You may have noticed that we are stopping all incoming traffic during the school day after drop-off, including parents with campus parking decals. This measure is intended to increase face-to-face contact with all incoming visitors, making identifying and responding to any safety and security issues easier. We understand that some families may have concerns about the change; however, we want to assure you that these measures are to keep our community safe. We appreciate your cooperation and support. 

Boca Raton Police officers are posted on campus throughout the school day and during designated after-school events. Saint Andrew's School has a longstanding and close relationship with the Boca Raton Police Department as well as other local first responders. We consult with Boca Police leadership regularly to assess the current local safety and security climate and determine if additional security measures are required based on local and regional information.

We encourage all members of our community to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity or safety concerns - “If you see something, say something.” Reports can be made to me directly or to the On-Duty Security Shift Supervisor at 561.445.9954.

As a reminder, our campus safety team is on-site 24 hours a day to provide an immediate response to emergencies and security-related matters. We encourage all members of our community to be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity or safety concerns - “If you see something, say something.” Reports can be made to me directly or to the On-Duty Security Shift Supervisor. 

If you would like to reach our welcome center/gatehouse, please call 561.210.2182 or contact the On-Duty Security Shift Supervisor at 561.445.9954.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at and 561.210.2181.



A.J. Hamilton

Director of Safety & Security

Saint Andrew’s School